On Thursday 28 Oct 2010 2:06:36 pm Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> Thoughts?
> Udhay
> http://in.news.yahoo.com/columnist/amit_varma/28/kindle-your-children
I am tempted to buy a Kindle for myself. Not for my kids though. My kids are 
already readers. 

Kids learn to read by watching their parents (or some other similar figure) 
reading. Early reading is often with picture books, so I think a child should 
be at least 8 or 10 before he is able to comfortably graduate into "words 
only" books. 

The other thought I have is about reading in general.  Written words are,  
after all a "translation" of the senses (sights, sounds, feelings) into a 
transmissible format. Comics, movies and TV are often more expressive and 
concise, which is why they have eaten into the space that books occupied. 

After I read Amit's article I Googled for the price of the Kindle in India and 
imagined what I might do with it. Imagination is not necessarily the same as 
experience but it occurred to me that my requirement right now is for some 
form of technological device that will give me instant OCR and translations of 
Sanskrit and Kannada texts - of which I seem to have hundreds - some of them 
writen by near ancestors. I wish I had a lens-like device that I can place on 
a page of a Sanskrit text and have it read out aloud and translated. I believe 
I can do a lot more with my life if I had such a device and I would be willing 
to pay the price of a Kindle in India (or more) for such a device.


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