On you HVAC unit, was there a spark formed at the electrodes?  And if
so, was it above the water level or under it?  Was the entire electrode
surface submerged?


        From: JD Kalloco [mailto:kall...@gmail.com] 
        Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 6:03 PM
        To: silver-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2008 #143
        Yes ... Dianne,  Chuck's answer was right on!   I was sorry to
learned of Bob's departure from this list - life.  Hopefully he is
        a heavenly hereafter.
        I get the impression that that High Voltage Alternating Current
(HVAC) may have gone the way of Bob?
        Surely there must be a way to mf'r HVAC CS  that provides
herxheimer action ?
        One thing I can say for that HVAC CS unit ... the CS it
generated was the most stable product I've ever encountered.  I could
        that product in the refrigerator with no noticeable drop on the
Hanna PWT.
        I tested product HVAC CS  over a period of many years ... never
did I detect a loss of stability.   Even mixing it with MSM,  I tested
and retested for 6 years ... never noticed any degradation.
        The LVAC (low voltage AC ... constant current) product dropped
~35% of it's PPM over a period of 3 years (12PPM to ~8 PPM.)  This
product was stored in glass Mason jars ... stored inside the box, no
light.  Plenty of silver particulate on the bottom of jar.  The product
was still plenty effective.
        best regards,

                Back when Ol' Bob was still alive, there was
considerable interest in
                this process.
                Duncan Crow came up with a HV pulsed DC unit that works
well as a
                slightly different procedure.
                His DIY instructions:
                I wonder if the process of aging could be slowed down if
it had to go
                through Congress