Thanks Wayne,


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:
> Good Morning Dan,
>>> At 05:22 PM 12/30/2008, you wrote:
> What a short, wise, and powerful statement.
> And I agree.
>>>You only write that you know things, you never teach us what you know.
> What good is that?
> Teach us something...
>     I have thought about that, long and hard.  Not an easy undertaking, but
> I will try.
> First, consider my early days, and the era in time.
> This was the 1950's, and early 1960's.
> There was not much technical information available then.
> I have said,  Nutrition is a relatively new science, if it is one.
> Many books I read were written in the  40's, 30's, and back to the late
> 1920's.
> They were mostly ideas and observances by the people that wrote the books.
> Likewise, when I went into the health food stores, I was familiar with
> virtually every product on the shelves.
> This all contributed to great simplicity compared to what exist today.
> This was before the mainstream infiltrated the Alternative publications,
> the Alternative writers, and the Alternative people.
> This really disturbs me today. Many Alternative people quote the mainstream,
> do that they say, and think like they do.   But, that is another book.
> Back in the jungle.
> The program I used for myself was very simple, and not expected to cure any
> disease, ailment, or symptoms.
> Instead the idea was that of prevention, and I hoped it might make a
> superman out of me.
> I kept watching for the Big S to appear on my chest, and it never did.   So
> I decided I had to work, sweat, and do everything I could to enhance my
> "Strength and Health".
> There is a "Strength and Health" hall of fame. I have been there and met the
> people and the Olympic coach, one of my early idols.
> I read many of his books and used his supplements.
> His name was Bob Hoffman.  At age 52, He could do a squat with
> over 1000 pounds.  I believe he could do a one arm bent press with
> 250 pounds.
> I have met the Olympic team members and studied their method and what they
> ate.
> Sorry I got sidetracked.
> Back to my program, .............
> When I planned a program for other people, generally I used the same program
> I used.  And the one my boss used to solve his ailments.  He become a
> believer, studied hard, and was lifelong devoted to nutrition and health.
> When I observed what my simple program did for others, it gave me even more
> confidence in it, for me.  Possibly the supplements were better then, than
> they are now.
> Often I think, the observances and ideas of the nutrition and health writers
> were more valuable than the many bogus research articles available today.
> I could tell many stories of the effect of supplements for other people.
> One short and simple one.
> A man who worked for me, called the office early one morning and said, "I
> have the mumps".
> Later he called again and said,  We have so much work that I feel guilty, I
> am going to the doctor.
> Then, later he called and said,  "The doctor says I have the mumps.
> So, I told him, this is what you need to do.
> I gave him a list of a few vitamins and minerals, and told him to call me
> when he got back.
> He did in fact do what I suggested.  I told him, how many to take and how
> often.
> I heard nothing else.  The next morning he walked into the office.
> I said,  "Bill, what are you doing here"?
> He said,  My mumps are well, no soreness, no swelling, no nothing !
> Yes, not even 24 hours, more like 16 or 18 hours, he was well.
> Another great Disaster,  not for the person, but for the ailment.
> In some cases, I have told people, my suggestions will not help the
> symptoms, or help the root cause of your ailment.
> However, ......... they should make you feel better.  Only you can decide
> that.
> And many have told me, they never felt better in their life.
> Many of my friends became my students, did exactly what I said.  They
> instruct and help other people today.
> At age 50, 55, and 60, they are healthy as Charles Atlas or  "Milo of
> Cortan".
> Where are the disasters, my friends ?  None on my part, no not one.
> There is no secret to success, no guarantee of anything.   But the mind of
> man has great potential to make the best of things.
> As far as the magic program, there is none.
> The usual vitamins and minerals, and a few special things ( special foods )
> Almonds, Black Strap molasses, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and maybe flax
> seeds, raw fruit and vegetables,  wild meat, fish, snakes, lizards, and
> anything you have the guts to eat.
> Plus a few supplements, should turn the tide.  If not, Try Again.  <grin>
> Avoid bad things.  I have never drink any alcohol, never had a single sniff
> of bad drugs,
> but I have eaten whole watermelons, and many raw vegetables, food off the
> floor, and poison wild berries.
> I have studied the brain, brain energy, energy for the heart, and how it
> relates to super endurance and the ability to work 36, 40 hours and more,
> often 3 or 4 days, without going to bed.
> But that is another book as well.
> I might answer specific questions, and I might say, There is no clear cut
> answer,
> and I do not know.
> or..........  "That is hearsay evidence and requires speculation".
> Wayne
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