If you are mercury toxic perhaps that is what is causing you to be diabetic in the first place...

According to the book "Amalgam Illness" by Andrew Hall Cutler Phd.
the adverse symptoms of chelation can be minimized by taking the chelation at short regular intervals. For Alpha Lipoic Acid he recommends every four hours day and night. This is because the adverse symptoms generally occur as mercury redistributes in the body when the chelator concentration goes from a high to a low level. If the concentration in the blood can be kept at an even level, the symptoms are reduced. He recommends dosing at the correct level for 3 to 7 days approx. and then stopping for an equivalent time.

He also says quite a bit more, too...

I'll include a post with a quote under the subject heading "Chelation".



    * From: Debbie Mcdonald (view other messages by this author)
    * Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 14:38:20

For me, a merc toxic with insulin resistance, I would
have huge problems with the ALA, the fish oil(any
brand) and my herb list posted an article that shows
gymnema is actually contraindicated. I think I saved
that article.
  I've not used bilberry or gymnema, and have not
heard about Banaba. Would like to know more.
  Someone on another list said fish oil affected
dopamine levels adversely in some people, I don't have
any info on that. Deb

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