
You need to re-read what I wrote and apply your intelligence to it...


-----Original Message-----
From: ruth strackbein [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Bowel strengthening and cleansing

Thanks, Dan, have used the bentonite clay psyllium meds without relief,
they just seemed to pile up in there.  Have to remember, I am dealing
with an overlarge colon.  Many years ago I tried a cascara product which
gave me cramps and diarrhea, so have avoided it since.  My bowel has had
a tendency to be "all or nothing" in producing stool.  My sons have
recommended a similar product that has some of these things in it called
Fibercon.  I am afraid to  use it for the present.  There is still this
business of the right sided pain with the left side being comfortable by
comparison.  The Psyllium I was using with the Bentonite Clay stated
that it should not be used in the presence of pain.  Will still check
into Dr. Schultze's protocol.  I keep runnning out of time which is
limited at the library.  
Don't have internet at home.  thanks again, Ruth ( especially for the
rundown of what the Schulze protocol involves.)

>From Ruth Strackbein

>From: "Dan Nave" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: CS>Bowel strengthening and cleansing
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:54:44 -0500
>  The concept behind Richard Schulze's treatment is to strengthen the 
>bowel by forcing it to contract along it's entire length several times 
>a day causing bowel movements at the same time, and using psylium fiber

>and bentonite along with other materials to pull out any pockets or 
>areas of impurities and cleanse and heal the bowel.  He says that he 
>has done experiments that show that the herbs that are used in his 
>formula #1, cascara sagrada and aloes, etc actually cause contraction 
>of the bowel of cadavers as it moves across their internal surface.  In

>this way, day after day, the muscles of the bowel can be strengthened 
>and the formula #2 can be used in conjunction to cleanse and heal.  
>These things can be made yourself for a cheaper price, but it is not so
>But, I would look up his protocols on his site.  Your case would 
>probably take some time and you may become somewhat dependent on the 
>herbs, but after the bowel is healed and strengthened you can be weaned

>off.  As far as dependency goes, many people are on pharmaceutical 
>- forever.  Or, have their colons removed...
>Even without gallbladders, some people get a lot of relief from liver 
>cleansing.  This can be done very cheaply, as in Hulda Clark's method, 
>but get the elimination channel of the colon working first.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ruth strackbein []
>Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 4:46 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>Re: Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/Ruth
>I think alot of my problems also started with poor food combinations 
>and also with the type of interventions that were used during my 
>childhood to combat what was considered to be constipation.  And if my 
>bowel has always been overlong and floppy, then maybe I was really
>Was given enemas and later on took some strong laxatives on my own.  
>Our diet as I was growing up, was really quite good.  My parents always

>gardened and canned, and while we were not poor, we didn't have extra 
>money either, so we didn't have candy, frequent rich desserts, etc.
>much of the time.  I think this food combining thing is worth going 
>into deeper than I have done so far.
>Thanks for answering. Ruth
>From Ruth Strackbein
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ruth strackbein []
>Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 5:26 PM
>Subject: Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold/Just a thought
>Hi, Vwolf, My bowel tends to flop over on itself.  The diagram of my 
>large bowel that the Dr. who did my exam of my large bowel with a 
>scope, drew a diagram of my bowel in his report.  That looked like a 
>piece of rope or something when you throw it down any which way.  The 
>curves did not cross over one another, but just showed a long wavy line

>in the general shape of a normal colon.  Wavy is the right word for it.

>One X-ray showed a corner of it completely flopped over on itself.  If 
>it does this very often, it's no wonder things don't go through. But I 
>guess I still feel that with changes to diet, medication, etc. it 
>should be possible to overcome this without surgery.  That X-ray was 
>taken some years ago and I have still continued to struggle along.  
>Guess , to some extent, its a matter of possibly exchanging one 
>struggle with another, and nobody is guaranteeing a completle cure. I 
>no longer have either an appendix or a gall bladder.  Was told removal 
>of my gallbladder would be
>95 percent certain to remove all my digestive problems.
>   Instead, they are worse, if anything.
>    About the ileocecal valve, I have run into info about pressing 
>downward and to the right over the area where it is supposed to be 
>which is supposed to cause it to open up.  I do this during my ab 
>massages morning and evening.  It doesn't help consistently, but that 
>may be due to some of my "interventions". I will give the pineapple 
>juice in glass bottles a try.  I haven't done that before.
>    This right sided pain is from the ileocecal area to the right side 
>center of my ribcage.  I am being told that the left side is possibly 
>the area where things get slowed up and the pain in the right side is 
>from material trying to get through, including gas. Thanks again, all 
>of you.  Ruth From Ruth Strackbein
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