March 7, 2002

Your Grace, the one hundredth issue of "The Herald of Kosovo and
Metohija" will soon be published. It began to come out at the time of
the horrible expulsion of our people when few people knew what was
happening in Kosovo and Metohija. We began working at the time when a
quarter of a million Serbs and other non-Albanians left their
centuries-old homes. Those of us who knew the true state of affairs and
the actual scale of these events mourned because of them. Two and a half
years later, things seem to have hardly changed for the better. Various
domestic and international NGO's are working on the return of displaced
persons. But what to do and what to undertake to create a realistic
strategy for refugee returns?

The hundredth issue of a newspaper or magazine represents a very humble
anniversary. So it is with our bulletin, "The Herald of Kosovo and
Metohija", which has been coming out for the past two years. It was
started in the most difficult of times for the Serb people, after the
ethnic cleansing of Kosovo and Metohija of its Serbs, after great
crimes, kidnappings, murders, the destruction of churches. Since
Slobodan Milosevic's regime was still in power in Belgrade and in
control of all state and public media at that time, the truth about
Kosovo and Metohija reached neither the hearts nor the ears of our
people. This is why we felt the need to initiate our bulletin, which
began with a small circulation of 2,000 copies, grew to 3,000 and now to
5,000 copies. Its purpose was to regularly inform and present facts and
the truth regarding what is happening in Kosovo.

The one hundred issues of this paper truly reflect the actual conditions
of the lives of the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija during the past two and
one-half years, as well as everything else that has happened in the
meanwhile. Regular readers gained true insight and an accurate picture
not only of the events themselves but also of the causes of our defeat,
our tragedy in Kosovo and Metohija.

However, what those of us who remained to live in Kosovo and Metohija
find interesting and what absorbs all of our attention is the issue of
the return of expelled persons to Kosovo and Metohija. There is no
doubt, when this issue is raised, the first thing to be mentioned are
the conditions that need to be created in order to make these returns
possible. Despite all the pressures and crimes which we have endured on
our own skins, I personally believe that the first thing that should be
done is to improve the living and working conditions of the Serbs still
remaining in Kosovo and Metohija because whether the expelled will want
to return will depend on this. If they are getting reports from Kosovo
and Metohija every day that the Serbs there are under constant attack,
that bombs are being thrown at their houses and shops, at their children
in the playgrounds, that murders continue to occur, that churches and
monasteries continue to be destroyed, very few people will be inspired
to come back and live under these conditions. Therefore, the
international community, our state and all the NGO's, international and
domestic, need to devote their primary concern to creating the necessary
conditions and normalizing the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo
and Metohija. When conditions improve, those who were expelled will want
to return to their homes. Of course, necessary conditions for those
returning need to be provided also - the repair of their destroyed or
damaged homes, village infrastructure, employment opportunities, the
opening of schools and hospitals...

Those of us who work in Kosovo and Metohija and the NGO "The Herald of
Kosovo and Metohija" are not able to carry out the enormous task of
bringing back our people by ourselves. That is why it is necessary for
our state, the highest institution of our people, not just the NGO's, to
get involved and invest itself in this problem and to try to work on it
in its contacts with the international community. Thank God, these
contacts do exist and they continue to expand. Because if we allow
another year or two to go by and people still do not return, I am afraid
that afterwards there will be a very small number of people wanting to
return at all.

The NGO "The Herald of Kosovo and Metohija" organized a series of
lectures and literary evenings, visits to the enclaves, and a large
exhibition of photographs dedicated to destroyed shrines in Kosovo and
Metohija. What to undertake, how to interest and convince the government
and officials to synchronize their activities, so that the news about
Kosovo and Metohija does not end up on page ten on the newspapers or in
the twenty-fifth minute of a half hour television newscast?

If things are at the point where we are the ones who need to animate the
state, I am afraid we will not accomplish much. I believe that the state
should treat this is a priority, and that we are the ones who are able
to help, to jump to its aid in activities being implemented by the
state, so as to make its work as effective as possible. We are really
not in a position nor do we have the means to influence state officials
to become more engaged with respect to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija
and, first and foremost, of Serb returns to this region. The fact of the
matter is that the final solution of the status of Kosovo will also
depend on how many Serbs there are in Kosovo and Metohija now and how
many there will be when the status issue is addressed. If we do not
think about this and work on it right now, I am afraid that the future
will catch us unprepared and that we will not have valid arguments to
keep Kosovo and Metohija within the framework of our state of Serbia and
Yugoslavia. This should be the basic realization and preoccupation of
every member of the state apparatus from the Yugoslav president to the
Serbian president (I am not sure we still have one because we have not
seen or heard from him in a while), the Serbian prime minister, and
especially of those in the Coordinating Center [the Coordinating Center
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Yugoslavia for
Kosovo and Metohija headed by deputy prime minister Nebojsa Covic]. This
is what we should be working on, what we should be thinking about, in
addition to visiting our people who are still in refugee camps and
scattered in various locations in Serbia to encourage them to return
home while at the same time creating the necessary preconditions so that
this can be realized.

Your Grace, "The Herald of Kosovo and Metohija" has been very dedicated
in recording and publishing all the decisions of the Serb National
Council [of Kosovo and Metohija]; it simply served as a chronicle of
developments in connection with the SNC. What will be the fate of the
SNC now that a provincial government [of Kosovo] has been established,
including a provincial parliament and other institutions supported and
blessed by the international community?

Three or almost four months have passed since the election and creation
of the parliament of Kosovo and Metohija. So far the work of this
parliament has neither influenced nor been detected in the field. The
Serb National Council has remained as active as it has been recently,
concerning itself with the Serb people and their needs and problems
throughout the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. Two days ago this
parliament resumed its work, a president of Kosovo and Metohija was
elected, a government of Kosovo and Metohija was elected in which the
Serbs apparently were not included and it remains highly questionable
what the activities of this government will be.

The SNC continues to carefully follow all developments in Kosovo and
Metohija, as well as in our state of Serbia and Yugoslavia. It will
continue to animate and coordinate all activities with respect to
realizing the goals we have already discussed - for the survival of our
people in Kosovo and Metohija, the return of the expelled, and the
discovery of the fate of at least 1,300 and perhaps as many as 1,500
Serbs who have disappeared or been kidnapped during the past two and a
half years.

It remains to be seen what the work of the new government of Kosovo and
Metohija will be like. It now faces a very important test and it will
work under the great pressure of the international community. We will
see how the work of this government will be reflected on democratic
tendencies in Kosovo and Metohija, first and foremost, on the position
of the Serb national community.

The previous regime did not allow and did not agree with the
participation of the Serbs in elections for local organs of government.
You and the Serb National Council managed to secure the existence of
local community offices in settlements where Serbs are in the majority
in order to defend their interests to some extent. At that time, the
regime and others attacked you as a traitor and accused you of all kinds
of things. However, you believed that one could not confront the
international community, and that Serbs should instead actively
participate and influence the unfolding of the situation in Kosovo and
Metohija. Now new elections at the local level are expected. Do you
think that the Serbs will participate in these elections in greater
number? Have they recognized that isolation leads nowhere?

I think that the Serb National Council and, first and foremost, the
Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija, were correct in
assessing the value of cooperation with the international community
because without cooperation with them, the survival of the Serb
community in Kosovo and Metohija would be absolutely impossible. The
regime of Mr. Milosevic certainly knew this and probably had the goal of
a Kosovo and Metohija completely cleansed of Serbs so it could rub the
nose of the international community in it all the time. However, we
believed that our basic national and state goal and interest was for the
Serbs to remain and survive in Kosovo and Metohija.

Thank God that we were successful in this and managed to retain a good
part of our people despite all the suffering and tragedies they endured.
Without cooperation with the international community, not only would our
survival here have been impossible but so would any returns.

As far as the elections are concerned, the necessary preconditions
really did not exist during the first local elections for them to be
held. First of all, they were not supported by the regime in Serbia at
the time. In the elections held in November, even though the decision
regarding Serb participation was made relatively late, even though there
was tremendous obstruction by certain individuals and would-be leaders
of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija and in Serbia herself, a
respectable number nevertheless participated and this enabled the Serbs
to win the third largest representation in the parliament. The Return
Coalition is the third largest party in the Kosovo and Metohija
parliament. We believe and time will show that this was a good
principle, that it is a good method and the only possible one. I am
happy that events have demonstrated that the position we adopted right
from the start has turned out to be accurate and correct. Now this
position has been adopted by our country, too, especially by the
Coordinating Center which was established to maintain relations with the
international community.

At the next elections, and this depends also on how the people will be
informed and instructed through the media from our country of Serbia,
but I believe that without participation in these elections we cannot
have significant influence over the course of events in Kosovo and

Do you think that the expelled Serbs and others from the non-Albanian
community living in Serbia will also be included in these local

Just as they were included in the recent parliamentary elections, they
could certainly also be included in local elections because they are
still officially residents of the settlements where they lived prior to
their expulsion and they should have some influence there.

Can you comment, Your Grace, regarding the activities of the Housing and
Property Directorate of the United Nations, whose function it is to
assist Serbs and others from non-Albanian communities, as well as
Albanians, to determined the current status of the property of people
from Kosovo and Metohija. Despite the fact that the NGO "The Herald of
Kosovo and Metohija" has been constantly included in their programs, it
appears that interest and response among the people is not adequate.
What can we do, what should we undertake?

It is a very painful realization and a fact that many foreigners show
far greater concern for Serbs and their rights, both property rights and
personal rights, than does our own state. For example, this organization
under UN auspices which concerns itself with the resolution of property
issues and the protection of property rights and personal rights and is
active in this domain. Thank God, "The Herald of Kosovo and Metohija"
has been active in acquainting our people with their rights and
responsibilities - what they need to do, whom they need to contact and
what proof they need to gather and submit to the appropriate
institutions in order to realize their property rights and the
protection of those rights.

I believe that all daily newspapers should publish the announcement of
this international organization, that people should be informed, that
state television should highlight this at the beginning of its prime
time news broadcast at 7:30 p.m., that expelled Serbs should be told to
go to such-and-such addresses to realize their property rights. The
possibility of their return to Kosovo and Metohija will depend on this
being done, too.

I really believe that the state should be involved in national issues
and through its media, it should acquaint every individual and family
member, first and foremost, the heads of the families of Serb refugees,
on how they can protect their property rights in Kosovo and Metohija. It
goes without saying that I believe that it would not be good for Serbs
to reclaim their property for the sole purpose of selling it to the
Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. I think that the state should find a
mechanism to prevent the appropriation of Serb property in Kosovo and
Metohija, its sale and the permanent exclusion of Serbs from Kosovo and

During the interview with the bishop, the theatrical actor Momir Bradic
arrived. The bishop kindly invited us to remain his guests a little
longer in order to hear firsthand the impressions of Mr. Bradic from his
trip throughout Kosovo.

"We visited all the schools in Gracanica and the surrounding villages. I
gave an hour-long lesson in history and spirituality; I recited the
Testament of Stefan Nemanja. They invited me to come back again as soon
as possible," said Mr. Bradic.

"In Gracanica we visited the King Milutin [Elementary] School. Only the
lower grades were present, the third and fourth grades. We agreed to
come back for another visit to all the enclaves after receiving Your
blessing to do so and to expand the lesson in history with a second part
- how St. Sava realized the testament of Stefan Nemanja."

"What was your impression of Caglavica and the photography exhibition of
Dragan Tanasijevic on display there, 'The Guardians of the Holy Shrines'
?" asked the bishop.

"It is a very exclusive, very beautiful exhibition in a beautiful
facility. The acoustic arrangements were very good. Unfortunately, there
were not many Serbs there. There were more of these local foreign

"And how did the foreigners respond?"

"First of all, every one of them had a translator with him to translate
every word that was said. I recited another part of the Testament, the
part about the name, here as well, and later I quoted from the Heavenly
Liturgy. As I was reciting the latter, your guest, Mr. [Michael]
Steiner, arrived and he listened very attentively to all this. The monk
Sava also arrived with him. He gave a speech and acquainted those
present with the contents of the exhibition and its history, and thanked
them for their protection. He said that he hoped the barbed wire and
tanks would disappear as soon as possible and that peace, joy and
contentment would prevail, and that our Church would be able to live and
work again like before. His speech was followed with great attention.

"In the secondary school in Laplje Selo, I recited the Testament to the
graduating class, the young men and girls at that school. I normally
recite this text in Serbia and abroad but I have never experienced such
attention, absorption, such reciprocal energy. When I finished the
Testament, one of the professors said: "Let's respond to this now in the
words of [Petar Petrovic II] Njegos."

"A girl stood up and began to recite an excerpt from 'The Mountain

"Another professor who was there then said: "Let's respond to our dear
guest now with the words of Desanka [Maksimovic]. They recited

"We concluded with the words of Bishop Nikolaj: May the Serbs become
united, God-fearing and more numerous."

"What was your impression of Kosovo?" asked Bishop Artemije.

"On Miholjdan I was in Velika Hoca and Gorazdevac. At that time we were
taken and driven around in their transporters so I could not see or
sense everything that has been done, or see what a danger it is to live
in Kosovo as I saw now.

"Now I traveled some 20 kilometers with Father Nektarije and I saw how
he communicates. 'We'll see each other, we'll get together,' Nektarije
says without mentioning where we will see each other and where we are
now. We did not have an escort immediately but from a certain
intersection. It was only now that I realized how dangerous life in
general is there.

"What I saw was two different worlds. One world is expanding and
building a main road from Merdare to Pristina with beautiful houses. I
saw something which caught my attention immediately, a sole Serb flag on
a single house, despite the fact that we passed through almost the
entire Serb area surrounding Gracanica. This means that only one Serb
house is being built there.

"What I found most disturbing was the traffic on every road, not only on
the main road. To me it was as crowded as if I had found myself on Knez
Milos Street in downtown Belgrade."

"That is an indicator of the fact that life in Kosovo is as busy as an
anthill," said the bishop. "Unfortunately, it is a monoethnic life; it
is solely Albanian. The Serbs in Kosovo remind one of the Serbs in
Serbia - you can go for ten kilometers and not see any of the people by
the road or in the yard."

"That is disturbing; that's an unusual impression," repeated Mr. Bradic.

"On the other hand, I saw the tremendous yearning of those young people.
Those young men and girls - there was so much purity in their eyes and
in their hearts; their eyes were open wide as they followed the story
which is true for it is here that we became a people.

"The woman speaker told me," said Mr. Bradic, "that I reminded them of
our past while they, the Serbs of Kosovo, are taken to task for
overemphasizing our past. How would you comment on this, she asked me.

"I think that they have every right to take us to task for something
that they do not have. Kosovo and Metohija is our great archeological
site. Wherever we dig, we find one of our graves or our altars. They
take us to task for always coming back to this. Because anyone who does
not know how far back our predecessors go needs only to search among the
bones and graves of our predecessors; they will show the truth.
Therefore, this is our truth. They take us to task for it because it is
something that they do not have. They are younger than we are."

[end text]


Bishop Artemije

Bishop Artemije in front of UN Headquarters in Pristina

Kosovo Serb Delegation in the Security Council

Patriarch Pavle and Bishop Artemije, June 2000, in Gracanica

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza

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