Last Chance in Macedonia


Macedonia's fractious politicians and the Western diplomats nervously
hovering over them are facing what may be that country's last opportunity to
head off another full-scale ethnic war in the Balkans. Political parties
representing the majority Slav and minority Albanian communities are engaged
in intensive negotiations about political reforms to end official
discrimination against Albanians. Meanwhile, the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization is nearing a decision on deploying a force to oversee the
disarmament of Albanian rebels who began a guerrilla campaign last February.
If a political deal can be struck in the coming days and a NATO force
deployed, Macedonia may just avoid the fate of Bosnia and Kosovo, which were
devastated by communal warfare that ended only after NATO military
campaigns. But success will require concerted engagement by Western
governments in the coming weeks and months; that poses a test for the Bush
Macedonia is a pro-Western democracy whose political leaders readily admit
they cannot overcome their crisis by themselves. Repeating the mistake of
other Balkan regimes, the Slav-dominated Macedonian government tried to wipe
out the Albanian insurgent movement with a clumsy military campaign, which
only succeeded in strengthening the guerrillas and bringing the Albanian and
Slav communities to the brink of a communal war of ethnic cleansing. Now,
under heavy pressure from the European Union and United States, a cease-fire
prevails and the two major Slav and two Albanian political parties are
talking; but the question is whether the Slavs are prepared to take the
steps that could fully integrate Albanians into a unitary state, including
changes in the Macedonian constitution that would put Albanians on an equal
political footing with Slavs. The moderate Albanian leadership also must
execute a tricky feat, obtaining enough concessions to satisfy the Albanian
population and obligate the militants to disarm, while avoiding demands that
would make the reformed state unworkable - like a communal veto over all
major government decisions.
In trying to broker this deal, the Bush administration and European
governments are engaged in their own precarious balancing act. Bush
administration officials say they recognize that U.S. engagement is
essential to a successful settlement. But in keeping with President George
W. Bush's determination to reduce U.S. commitments in the Balkans, American
participation has been carefully limited. In place of the high-profile U.S.
brokers who were dispatched to Bosnia and Kosovo, a State Department deputy
assistant secretary accompanies more senior European Union and NATO envoys
to Skopje, the Macedonian capital. And while supportive of a NATO
disarmament force, the administration so far has declined to commit any
American troops - though even a single company would help to fill out a NATO
contingent that could number 1,000 or fewer. If the arm's-length strategy
works, Macedonia could serve as a demonstration of how European governments
and troops can take the lead in handling a crisis on the continent. But
given the disastrous failure of previous Europeans-first strategies in the
Balkans, it represents a real risk. If this peace process breaks down,
Macedonia is unlikely to get another chance. - THE WASHINGTON POST.

Miroslav Antic,

                                    Serbian News Network - SNN

                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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