On 5/5/15 10:46 AM, Sourav Dhar Chaudhuri wrote:
Hi Paul & Brett,
   Thanks for your detailed clarification. Just final doubt if in the
INVITE request will have "Request-Disposition: no-fork" then Call
forwarding will not happen for that request ?

Yes, *IF* the proxy honored that. But the callerpref stuff is all optional, and frankly I'm not aware of *any* implementation that honors no-fork. :-(



On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 6:53 PM, Paul Kyzivat <pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

On 5/5/15 4:21 AM, Sourav Dhar Chaudhuri wrote:
 > Hi Paul,
 >    Thanks for your response. So it means the Call Forwarding always
 > need minimum requirement that Caller [UAC] must have support for
 > handling forking response in case SBC does not have the "fix" you
 >      Also my second doubt why this thing not been properly highlighted
 > in RFC 5359.  Is support to handle forking response is mandatory
 > requirement for a SIP Caller [UAC]?

I wasn't an author of that, so can't say for certain. But it has a
normative reference on RFC3261. And support for multiple early dialogs,
at least to the extent I described, is not optional there. It would get
tiresome for every sip document to emphasize every mandatory feature of
3261 that must be supported.


 > Thanks,
 > Sourav
 > On Monday, 4 May 2015 9:38 PM, Paul Kyzivat <pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu
<mailto:pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu>> wrote:
 > On 5/4/15 10:49 AM, Sourav Dhar Chaudhuri wrote:
 >  > Hi ,  I have a question on To tag change during Call Forwarding
 > [Unconditional / Busy/ No Answer]. As per RFC 5359, it can be noticed
 > that To tag value is getting changed from 181 Call is being forwarded to
 > 180 Ringing response during Call Forwarding.
 >  >    Now my query is if a caller does not support forking then any call
 > originated from that caller will never be forwarded? Since To tag value
 > is getting changed during Call Forwarding.
 >  >    Also how the caller is maintaining the state during call
 > Forwarding? Since initial INVITE is getting two provisional response
 > having two different To tag. For the initial provisional response there
 > is no final response. Only the final response is coming from the
 > transferred callee.  Then what will be the status of the call leg
 > generated for first provisional response?
 > This is basic SIP. A UAC that doesn't support this is *broken*.
 > When you see the first to-tag that establishes one early dialog. When
 > you see the 2nd to-tag that establishes a 2nd early dialog. You need to
 > maintain state for those independently.
 > When you get a 200 response on the 2nd early dialog you don't know with
 > certainty whether the first dialog is gone or not. It is *possible* that
 > you could still get a 200 response on that dialog until it times out,
 > even though it is more likely that it has been canceled downstream.
 > I think there are SBCs that "fix" this by hiding the existence of two
 > dialogs from the caller. But the caller can't really depend on that
 > unless it is deployed in an environment where it knows there is always
 > such an SBC in the path.
 >      Thanks,
 >      Paul
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