On Mon, 2009-08-31 at 01:43 -0400, Bernardo Ortega wrote:
> Hi,
> We have installed SIPxecs 4.0.1 with AudioCode M1000, the problem is
> with the call transfers with autoattendant only work when the user is
> assigned a DID, when DID remove the call is not transferred via
> autoattendant rings until you leave voice mail.

You'll need to provide more specific information on your configuration.

Exactly what is your user set to, and your DID, both when it works and
when it doesn't.

You'll probably need to trace the message flow and see
what's going wrong.  See:


when you get the trace data, take a look at it using sipviewer
and/or post the trace with a description of your configuration
(identify components by IP address), what you were doing, and
which call in the trace you're talking about (by call-id or
frame number in the trace, preferably).

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