In some other doc, I found that they counted the T1 options as A, B, C, D, etc.
I don't know that this is a sipx problem but it is if it is using the wrong 
information to generate the ini. All I know is that in my case, it's definitely 
a problem in 5.4. When I was using 5.6, that never came up.

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:52:37 -0800, Todd Hodgen wrote:
> Actually, if you look further, D is an invalid option.
> FramingMethod_x
> (Framing Method)
> Same as "FramingMethod" for a specific Trunk ID (x = 0 to 7)
> Their documentation is a bid confusing, I guess you have to read more of it
> in detail.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:43 PM
> To: sipx-users
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx ini ERROR for mediant 2000
>>> According to the Audio Codes documention, 0 & D both specify Extended
>>> Superframe with CRC6.  Are you sure that was your problem?
> I should mention that this is the setting that I want above but that I
> cannot burn it to the mediant. When I try to, I get the following error;
> RECOV:PSTN Trunk Validation Check failed. Framing method 44 is not valid
> (Line type is E1)  [Trunk:0 Bchannel:-1 ConnID:-1] [Code:23014] [Time:
> 6:40:30]
> My trunk is set to T1. The only fix is to take the ini, edit the framing
> option to 0, then upload.
> Since the first time I used the sipx ini and this has happened, the mediant
> no longer keeps the setting, cannot burn the config. Something is very wrong
> and it will probably need a full reset I am guessing.

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