just wanted to let everyone now that the hfx edgefest contingent has 
arrived home safely (4am thurs night...guess thats what you get when you 
don't leave TO til 3:30am tues...at least the monoxides appreciated us 
sticking around for their set at the horseshoe: "you guys rock!" & 
variations thereof)....
  trip highlights-
   -meeting the TO sloannetters...the sweetest people imaginable...big 
hugs & thanks to all (carol,lisa,d'arcy for shared umbrellas,KISS 
derek,warren for the drives & guided tour,alex,ashley,shanan,etc) + 
fredericton jon toolie, tdc & jayson...so much for assigned seating (we 
all got to sit together)...warren gets 1st prize for most creative fake 
moshpit wristband (a strip of nacho cheese covd newspaper...yum!)
-thrush hermit "take the money & run" -what a statement :) i'm still not 
sure if that was a good move on their part but it certainly was funny...
 -treble charger as arena rock stars!!! (girls screaming "bill!bill!)
 -sloan as arena rock stars!!! (TO) 
 -sloan in front of a small crowd (buffalo)...underwhelmed as the last 
song (it was the very 1st song they ever played at their 1st gig at NSCAD 
in feb 91)...songlist adam? 
 -shant giving black pool cd to Daryl Hall (Oates has no mustache...woaa!)
bad things...
 -shant losing my car keys in buffalo (someone turned them in to a nearby 
pizza place..we were SOOO lucky)...then missing weezer in TO (arrived at 
the warehouse to find everyone leaving) :(
 ---waiting for the gates to open at edgefest, being soaked & seeing 
people use the free murder 7" as frisbees ("yeah i got 5"-guy with open 7" 
flipping it against his chin...aaaarg)
 -meeting kevin macdonald  of kids in the hall & having him totally ignore 
me (i think he's just bitter :)
 -missing most of the non martime bands (huevos rancheros, pluto, 
rusty)...did the 2nd stage get ahead of the 1st b/c none of my schedule 
plans worked?:(

see you all later & thanks again (i'll write more when i have time) 
.............................................lv kat


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