by the way, that WAS murderecords lackey marc brown staring right into 
the tv camera not once, but twice. what a goof. i'm sure his mom was 
proud. nice GWAR shirt.

i made my mother and grandmother watch the wedge at midnight just to show 
them. a charlatans uk video came on and my grandfather goes "oh, is THAT 
your friend marc now?" HAHAHAAHAHAAA!!!!

my sister who is very well not into the same kinda stuff i am (she is 
very excited about collective soul coming to town) was over tonight and i 
played her the state champs cassette. uh oh...she actually thought it was 
*pretty*. what is up with THAT???  she also LOVES mock up, scale down. oh 
my god.

well back to my lame family reunion life.


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