Seeing as there r sum SloanNetters who have zines.. or even those who just
like to read em.. I thought u might be interested in this:

WHUT: Canzine '95: The Festival of ALternative Publications
WHEN: Sunday, October 1, 1995 from 2:00 pm - 1:00 am
WHERE: Spadina Hotel in Toronto (corner of SPadina and King I believe.. but
       don't take my word for it since I'm not sure if I remember correctly)

Besides zine tables, readings, etc., there will also be bands playing..
Chickpea, Rosebuddy, Nettle, and more.
Check out the web page for more info:

I'll be going.. altho I won't be having a table, we'll have our zine there
(Billy's Bowlerama) so if u spot me, say hi.. :) Uh.. I have sum blue
streaks in my hair and I'm short.. :P


Sorry for lack of SloanNet content! :(

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