Well.. all there is to say is, Thruster are a wicked good band, and it's 
just too bad that alot of people's heads are stuck too far up their asses 
to take a listen to them. Michael Jackson and weiner boy Jay Myers are 
freakin hilarious.. what comedy! Ahh.. boyz will be boyz. 

Ooohh and let me be the 1st to congradulate Sloan for one of the most 
remberable gigs ever. I'll never forget the lights shutting off.. like 
three or four times in their set.. the PA exploding.. everyone forgetting 
how to play their songs.. man what a way to go out.. crap-ola. And to 
make it sadder.. I think this will be it.. no more.. never again.. 
ka-put. No more Sloan. Well I don't think they _wanted_ it to happen that 
way but unfortunately.. Well there are better shows to remember them by.. 
like the North St. Church show.. Man, _that_ was _the_ best Sloan gig of 
all time. *Sniff*

Same old Brendan

Ps. Is Tara Lee Wicked in town yet? Hmm..

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