Regarding the comments about the CASBYs and Our Lady Peace...
It seems that people feel that Toronto has some sort of unfair advantage 
over the rest of the music scenes in Canada...yeesh, try living here for 
a while. Every-one I know involved in the music scene is pretty 
embarrassed about how pathetic it is. There is no sense of community 
amongst the bands/fans here, a minimal all-ages local scene, all the 
"big" shows are imported - usually British and American bands. If Toronto 
has an advantage it is that the national press, Much Music and record 
labels have their offices here, but I don't think that filters down to 
new bands very much. Again, out of town touring bands get most of the 
media attention and as far as T.O. based labels - what've they done for 
anybody lately? The only T.O. "alternative" bands that got any major 
label support or media attention in the past year - Rusty (formerly One 
Free Fall), Suckerpunch and Change of Heart - have been around for TEN 
YEARS. (And, in true T.O. style, Suckerpunch broke up as soon as their 
record came out & Change of Heart have gone on "hiatus" before their 
record comes out...)
Anyway, on a positive note for T.O. bands...I saw the Sadies open up for 
Al Tuck & Superfriendz on friday night. The Sadies are Dallas Good 
(Satanatras, Makers mark) on guitar, vocals and whistling; some guy I 
don't know on bass; and Andrew Scott on droms. They were really great, 
kind of Ennio Morricone spaghetti western/kinda Exile on Main Streetish 
blues-punk/kinda soft spooky country. Check 'em out when you get a chance.
                        Your Uppity Canadian pal,
                        Chris T.

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