On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Gottfried Szing wrote:

> hi,
> > Also... what if there's a multi-path route and the packets are going both 
> > ways, one might be delayed sufficiently to not be picked up as a 
> > duplicate... but then again the TCP protocols should take care of this ... 
> > that's what sequence numbers are for.
> and thats also confusing me. but if (just a stupid and assumption, that 
> this does not work) the tcp is not handling the duplicates which can be 
> cause by retransmissions aso, should not the SSH protocol take care of 
> the integrity of the data flow? SSH is standing for secure, but shouldnt 
> it also check if the data is correct?

Yeah that's what I meant by 'the tcp protocols should take care of this'. 
Anyway... since then he's worked out it's at a higher level, ie works just 
fine from the text console.

Electronic Hobbyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasional nudist, 
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