This is probably a dumb question ...
I'm looking for a small, quiet, Linux-based music appliance.
The ideal would be a small fanless PC with CD drive and hard drive,
little 2-line LCD screen and remote, with stereo audio outputs
to load CDs in that then get converted into MP3s on an internal hard
drive.  So you have all your music in a handy system you can connect to
your stereo system.

The MP3beamer sounded interesting but no contact info, a dead and
archived support forum at Linspire, make me think it's dead.  Searches
on seem to keep turning up dead/defunct
business and old products.  (Or things like the perfect PhatBox, which
is designed as a car stereo and mainly onsold via Volvo, BMW, etc.)

The only other things I've found are expensive high-end systems like the
Sonos (above $1000 US).

Surely someone is putting together a small noiseless PC loaded up with
software to make a music appliance?  Surely?  I could build one myself
given time, but I'd rather take the quick way out if there was one.


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