On Sun, 2006-02-19 at 14:38 +1100, O Plameras wrote:

> For $25,000 stipend (or salary) per year one could continue University 
> and earn a Ph.D.

You are talking apples and potatoes.  I gave some ranges based on
knowledge of the applicant,  you have picked only the smallest amount
and then challenged that with what a high achiever can get on a
scholarship.  Talk about skewing the discussion.

We give poor signals to the grads that ask us because we consider
ourselves as examples.  How many involved in slug would you consider as
coming out of Uni as 'average' with a very low pass?  Most of the SLUG
Unix students would get hired in the 'industry experience' range not

I tried to show that there is not one amount but a range based upon


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