On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 08:22:57PM +1000, dave kempe wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> >for future reference: 'dpkg --force-depends -P udev' will remove it and
> >leave ubuntu-minimal and initramfs-tools in place.
> >
> hrmm I thought it was a cardinal debian sin to use --force?

Yes, but ultimately we're all sinners, so we shouldn't let that get in the
way of getting the job done.  The danger is when people start thinking "hey,
this is a good feature, I'll use it all the time" without *knowing* what's
going on and how it'll affect things.  It's like goto -- every programming
student knows that it's a heinous crime to use goto in your code, because it
turns your code into a hideous mess that's unmaintainable.  Then the Linux
kernel is full of them, because once you know what you're doing, they're a
powerful tool in the right hands.

- Matt

I was punching a text message into my phone yesterday and thought, "they need
to make a phone that you can just talk into."
                -- Major Thomb
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