> Not being a regex expert I was hoping someone could point me 
> at a list, forum or just give me a pointer on how to achieve this:
> Field that must have 2 out of 3 of these:
> standard a-z/A-Z
> arabic numbers 0-9
> special chars %$#@

Is there a constraint requiring that this be done with a single regex?
Depending on the context, there might be a number of more suitable
programmatic approaches.

For example, an unfinished, untested, inefficient, slapped together
bash/grep approach might look like this, without getting tangled in
regex syntax...

if $( echo "$password" | grep -q "[A-Za-z]" ); then echo "Got alpha";
let "hitcount = $hitcount + 1"; fi
# Repeat for numeric and special chars
# Check $hitcount == 2 or $hitcount >= 2, depending on your requirements

- Rog
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