On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 11:18 +0900, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> That I'd be asking Oracle and your application vendor whether your proposed
> setup is fully supported.

I don't think it is well supported!

> Backending databases onto random network attached storage is a very bad idea

I agree but this is shared on the same machine.  I think that is a lt
more reliable apart from other FS issues.

> unless you Know What You Are Doing; and if you're on here asking then you
> probably don't fall into that category.

Not it in this instance! ;-)

> The other poster who runs Oracle off a netapp filer is surprising to me, as 
> I've
> had no end of issues with databases on network attached storage, but -my- 
> experiences
> haven't been with Oracle on Netapp NFS, just MySQL on Linux NFS. In any case, 
> knowing
> what I know about the wildly different flavours of NFS implementations, I'd 
> not be
> putting a critical SQL DB on it (or heck, even hash tables with shared 
> writers!) unless
> my vendor told me it was ok.


> In short: Ask your vendors. Thats what you're paying them for. :)

I will and will post back here if I get it running too!


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