Here is a previous post of mine if it helps, I like spoilers for
dethermalizing and glide path control, less ballooning and you have normal
aileron deflection till touch down. very important with high aspect ratio
ships with slow roll rates. I would be leary of full crow on such a thin non
carbon wing.

Flaps and spoilers do different things. Thats why there are both. Flaps
increase lift at small deflections and are used to slow down the plane for
thermal turns. They also are used (with larger deflections) to aid landing
sometimes, especially on short field landings. spoilers are used to dump
altitude (de-thermalize), and as glide path control as in full scale
soaring. Full scale sailplanes don't use "crow" not to sat you can't do it
on a model if you like. On an ASW-27 flaps are also coupled to the ailerons
3:1 all the time for better turning.
 John Derstine
Scale Soaring:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 7:41 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Alpina 4001, are the airbrakes worth the effort?

I'm shortly to commence building (Assembling?) a Multiplex Alpina
4001, my first 4m ship. I have the uncovered version which has an
option for double-blade airbrakes. The aircraft also has crow brkaing
avalible via flap/aileron of course.

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