On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Martin Usher wrote:
> Antennas are really straightforward for people who know about them -- there
> really isn't anything to discuss.

Not true!  I've spent 13 years as a ham and going on 6 years now at
Georgia Tech in Electrical Engineering, and a few years working
experience, and while that doesn't make me an expert at all, they still
confuse the heck outta me.  :)

For instance, nobody has yet brought up impedence.  I'm not sure what
impedence those receivers expect.  A project I worked on not too long ago
that involved an RF section about the same size as our receivers, expected
300 + j18 ohms I think it was, so something new to me.  But regardless of
what that figure is, the way we mount our antennas all different ways
produces all different impedences seen at the receiver.  So I can't see
how the system is matched at all.  My guess is, it's just not, and there's
enough overhead to allow for it.

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