At 10:12 PM 11/29/1999 -0800, Scobie Puchtler or Sarah Felstiner wrote:

>JPA wrote:
> > I've been very happy with the performance of the HS-50s on the stuff I've
> > flown. The one thing that I didn't like on the HS-50s was the lack of
> > control horns. They come with only one.
>Really? I could have sworn mine came with a nice collection of horns, albeit
>the miniature kind.
>I know 'we' on the list here use a TON of HS-50's. Anyone care to comment?

Yep, a bunch with each servo.  Most servos come with a good selection of 
bits and pieces to adjust things with.


A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.  -- Clive James

Bill Johns
Pullman, Washington  USA

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