Don't spend too much. You can get 15A surplus computer power supplies for $20 or so. ( is one place) Or half the price for 5 or 10 amps, I recall. At least some of the computer supplies are smart enough to shut off instantly as soon as you short them. Mine is like that, though it isn't a 15 amp supply. Then you just have to switch off, unplug, and plug back in. If you know someone tossing out a PC, then the supply may even be free. (Though not as likely to be 15A)

Sometimes you can see just one burnt component on a power supply and maybe replace it.

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Can someone recommend a repair place for a 15A power supply?  My charger
leads shorted out the PS.  The charger lived but I let out the magic smoke
from the PS.  If I can get if fixed for a reasonable amount I'd like to do
that instead of having to buy a new one.

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