If this is an isolated problem then it appears to me that Vladmir should step 
up with a replacement fuse for Don.  It's really tough to tell a whole lot from 
pictures, but it does not look like this one was very well bonded and could 
have just been a fluke.

See Ya,

Pat McCleve
Wichita, KS

> From: "Jim Laurel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/03/28 Tue PM 02:45:17 EST
> To: <Soaring@airage.com>
> Subject: RE: [RCSE] Supra #42
> Exactly.  When I spoke with Barry about this, he was adamant that the pylon
> wing mount was correctly designed.  The plane has been extensively tested,
> even with 2-man tows.  That said, I am sorry that Don is having this
> problem.
> I am not giving up my place in line.  ;-)
> --Jim Laurel
>   _____  
> From: Mike Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:04 AM
> To: Soaring@airage.com
> Subject: [RCSE] Supra #42
> Don,
> By the pictures and from what I have seem of mine. It looks like the bag the
> fuse or have a ballon inside to keep the carbon tight in the molds. This
> usually leave a shiney finish after removal. >From the pictures, it just
> looks like a poor bond. Even where the nut is down in the pylon, it has come
> loose looking again like a bad glue joint. 
> I think Larry Jollys fix will also take care of it with no problem.
> Don, If you do not think the plane will hold up,,,Put it in a box and send
> it to me, I would take another :-)
> We have to remember,,,,There are quite a few flying now and how many
> failures like this?
> Mike Fox

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