In a message dated 7/3/2006 7:28:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Keeper of the (Nostalgia) rules.......what is your take on this positive
"Keeper of the rules" is now the AMA Competitions/Technical Department, since Nostalgia became a rule book event in 2005.  Change proposals may be submitted just as for any other rule book event for consideration/vote by the RC Soaring Contest Board, in accordance with the Contest Board Procedures found in the Competitions section of the AMA website (along with THE current version of the rule book - the last one to be printed/mailed out was the 2002-2004 edition).  We are just completing a (revised 2 year - it used to be 3 year) rule change cycle for changes to be effective beginning Jan 2007.  No change proposals for the Nostalgia event were submitted this last cycle.  The next opportunity to submit changes will be 15 Jan - 15 Sep 2007, for possible implementation in Jan 2009.  If enough people care enough to develop/submit desirable change proposals and more people further advise their respective AMA District Contest Board representatives they want those proposals favorably voted, changes will happen.  If not, it's "same-old, same-old"! (and it's not the fault of AMA Hq, rules and changes thereto originate with the membership) 
The CD of a specific contest event may modify the existing official rules for that event (if the deviations are clearly spelled out in the sanction application and in event publicity), likewise for informal club events (obviously, deviations must not compromise safety) .  This is a very good way to test the merits of potential changes/new rules before developing formal change proposals and the supporting rationale.
Good Lift!  Skip Schow AMA 143 (LM, CD), LSF 166 (V #46), Distr IV Rep. & Chrmn RC Soaring Contest Board

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