Jack Iafret, Robin Meek, Hutch Hutchison (kidnapee), Jim Deck, Joe, Dave Hauch, Dave Corven, Phil Renaud, Marc Gellart, Mike Lachowski, Joe Wurts, Marlene Valdes, anyone that I have forgotten to mention, and the AMA......
I just want to make darn sure that you all know just how much I, as well as the other competitors, appreciate the time you put in toward organizing and running this years F3B Team Selection contest.  Even as short handed as we were, you all were able to multi-task to help pull off 6 rounds of F3B competition complete with rain delays  :-)
I know that it seems like it is a lot of work just to select a team from what seems to be a quickly diminishing pool of F3B enthusiasts, but it truly is efforts like yours that keep the flame flickering.  F3B is in my opionion THE RC soaring event.  It is challenging on so many levels.
I also want to thank the pilots who chose to participate this year.  I know too that it is difficult to put so much effort toward getting out to a contest where there are so few competiting.  Although, I am sure that like me you all think that even a small F3B contest is a fun event not to be missed. 
In my area here in San Diego, there is a little more interest being generated for F3B.  Some of our club members are getting gliders so they can start flying the tasks and checking F3B out for themselves.  They saw Aaron and I practicing and thought it would be fun to try.  That is where the flame first sparks.  So, I encourage everyone to keep taking the equipment out to the field and setting out the Mono and hoops and just fly.  You know how fun the gliders are to fly...they're nimble and fast, and strong, and they put smiles on your faces.  It sure would be great to see the kind of participation that F3J enjoys.  Thanks again for your perserverance, and your love for F3B.
Finally, I would like to say that I feel like we have a really good team for the 2007 World Championships.  I am honored to be a member of the team with Tom and Aaron, and to be able to represent US F3B Soaring at the World Championships one more time.  We will keep you posted and put together our web page soon.
Thank you for the bandwidth.
Mike Smith
2007 F3B Team Pilot
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