"Louisiana's Top TD Pilot Seriously Injured in Texas!"
Paul Perret after having survived the hurricanes of New Orleans came to the TNT to have a good time....he did.

But last nite after the chaos of cross wind landings, and crushing fun, he met up with his son and daughter in law for dinner.  His son had some new hot Subaru and decided to punch the gas while coming around a turn in his subdivision, not realizing that the street was wet from lawn sprinklers.

The car spun violently out control and wrapped around a tree. Everyone was banged up a bit but Paul left thumb was seriously bruised, and he refused to attempt an Unlimited win without his rudder thumb being in top form.
Surgeons and orthopedics from all over the country were flown in for second and third opinions, and all agreed that bed rest, New Orleans Saints game with the kids and a few cold barley pops were going to be needed before he would be able to properly work low lift with that left thumb.
On the down low...I over heard some of the pilots who put in 7 rounds of great flying today were not that upset to find he was not here today....he was flying so well it was likely he was going to get his "I Beat Gordy at the 06 TNT" buttons.....which of course would mean that all of the would have been crushed also. :)

I spoke to Paul a few minutes ago on the phone and he has ordered a Bowflex to hurry recovery of his left thumb.
Maybe one beer too many at HKM--USA TNT Steak and Stein Blow Up Party

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