Team Sharon managed to represent this weekend!
Four pieces of wood for the three days, and BOTH raffle radios!
Thanks Airtronics (Stylus) and Horizon (9303!)
Henry Bostick was the captain of this ship as usual and made a hard decision to do the right thing today and yesterday and THAT's what makes the TNT one of the USA majors.
We knew rain was coming for today so he called the first two rounds to be flown yesterday after Saturday's contest.
With a very good possibility of getting the third (3 makes it LSF official) today.

It was raining when we got there and it rained until about 11am.  Henry and I took the lead putting our ships up first.  Light drizzle....but good air, the task was 10mins.
We both did well pretty much just keeping our birds steady.  I took a 7:34 and he got near the same. We both got landings...but the last 4mins was hard driving rain, as in having the radio upside down over our shoulders and almost no view of our planes.
We had two other breaks before about 12:30 and about 10 other pilots put their ships up.
Jim McCarthy (team Chicago) and his Perfect knew what they had to do and did everything they could to make that happen, he turned in an 8m and 100 landing. (in a lot less rain :-)
Edgar Vera was well on his way to maxing when the bottom dropped out of the air and got crazy turbulent, he was lucky to save his plane but in the end landed with almost 9mins, no landing.
More later, time for Hooters!

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