Edgar the Soaring Junkie and his soaring partner Andy were at the TNT!
Edgar did the West Coast boys proud too!
Not only a Visalia Champion but now holds a one day champ of the TNT.
He and Andy were part of Team Sharon (the Futaba part of it ;-).
I'll bet no one there even knew that they were out here representing.

We all stayed at John Luetke's home, and we celebrated our prizes with a about 80 assorted wings at Hooters. :)
Both he and Andy did some brilliant soaring having never faced Texas weather condtions.
Our last flights of the today were in blowing rain and Edgar with Andy calling flew every possible opportunity of lift or buoyancy to push him up the trophy list to second place.
Jim McCarthy and his Perfect had a little better window to fly in but very little better....he like everyone ended up in blowing rain, yet dropped in a 100 landing.

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