Yea, bull! Hutch, Dave Corven and I drove down from MI last night and went to the field about 11 after the big rain stopped and the results are Hutch, first - Corven, second and Iafret, third.

At least I get an "I beat Gordy Button".

Actually Dave and I got here about five and called the Mark and went to dinner with the rest of the MI guys, Mark and Steve.

See you tomorrow.


Well I got up at about 5:30 to heavy rain here in Louisville, and cold and windy, so I hopped back in the sack for a few more hours.
Ben Wilson and Ed Wilson (with little Lee in tow) got to the site a few hours later with an update that it was a washout for today.
Tomorrow is gonna be incredible but cold, about 49 tops..however sunny and light winds, so should be a really good day for soaring.
About noon I hopped in the pickup, with wife and Wisconsin friends along and we headed over to Churchill Downs to play the ponies....still cold but no rain, there was the Chili Cookoff comp going on there, so chowed down on some smokin chilis and then proceeded to use up some of my luck on the horses.
Walked away with some tasty heart burn and about $60 in winnings.
Planes are charged and loaded, so its Cincy or bust tomorrow !
More after that :-)

Jack Iafret
Home and Hobbies

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