Sounds like a lot of Fun!

I have actually done something similar with my 14 year old brother-in-law.
We went to a soccer field and played 'tag' with our Boomerangs.  It's not
easy running away from a wing in one direction while trying to steer your
wing into the opponent behind you :-)

Another fun thing we do that REALLY improves your skills in a hurry to go
grab some friends and go a slope (or a field I guess), and line up about 5
feet apart, all facing one direction.  At the count of three everyone throws
their Boomerang straight out, and then circle it back for a hand catch.
First one to catch it wins that round.  Best of ten wins the game.

After the first toss, everyone usually starts using the vertical component
and the wings arc inverted overhead and come screaming back at you.  Next
thing you know, 4 or 5 wings are diving straight at you, coming in hot!
This really improves your ability to hand catch, believe me!

However, I don't think it's wise to post these types of antics on the
official website.  I'm sure there are liablity/ingury issues that we don't
want to deal with.

I'm glad you've found a new way to have fun with the Boomerang.  Cheers,

Nathan Woods

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Fujikawa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 8:08 PM
Subject: Boomerang Field Goals

I enjoyed your Boomerang website.  I had the good fortune to take a slope
vacation on Maui over New Years, and for a couple of days there was a break
in the usual 35 kt tradewinds.  So I amused myself by taking my Boomer to
the local high school football field and seeing from how far back I could
throw and split the uprights, make a U turn and catch the plane.  I made
several round trip throws from the 50 yd line which I thought was pretty
good for me since I have a wet noodle for an arm!  The secret is making the
return leg by running in the ground effect.  You can fly 30 or 40 yards at
about 2 ft altitude.  Several onlookers were actually impressed enough to
ask me where the motor was!

If you haven't already tried this, it's a blast and it really develops your
flying skills.

Why not have a postal contest for this on your website?  I think you could
generate a lot of interest on RCSE.  No prizes of course and every entry is
on the honor system.  There are only 3 rules:

1.  You have to throw and catch from the same point.  You can't take any
steps once you release the plane until you catch it.
2.  You have to split the uprights, either outbound or returning.
3.  The plane can never touch the ground.

What do you think?


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