>For about a dollar you can make a fusible link that will protect your wing
>from folding on launch. It consists of a snap swivel, a welded ring and a
>few inches of monofilament selected for the desired breaking strength. The
>snap swivel connects to the ring on the end of the launch line and the
>other ring goes on the tow hook with the break-rated momofilament connecting
>them. It just takes a second to attach and another to detach after
>retrieval. Many contestants will prefer to take the risks rather than the
>penalty associated with a broken link. I think the FAI, in the early 80's,
>considered this concept as an alternative to regulating winch power but
>elected to regulate winches instead.
>Regards, Ollie

  That why you use a close loop feed back system when launching. Use 
your eyes to detect the wing bending and lift your foot off the pedal 
to slow the winch down. When wing is ok, step on pedal again. Repeat 
as needed.

end of program.

Cost: free, 0.00 dollar

Brian Chan, Trapped in the Jungle of  Bureaucratic Lead Tape and Sinking.
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