Max, when you are on email, you gotta be on the ball. In the absence of conflicting opinion, we usually accept whatever someone says at face value. There's no lie/bullshit detector built into my email. So if what you say is true then the other guy needs to learn to cooperate a bit better (I think you could say that about a lot of people). Anyway, what I'm saying is a more timely response would have been helpful in resolving this at an early date. Don't get behind on your RCSE reading!
Other than that, I have to agree with your answers. I've flown at Coyote. 'Nuff said.
p.s. Max Velocity isn't your real name is it? ;)

Eric Weder, P. Eng.                                     Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Kenonic Controls Ltd.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Work: (403)258-6237
Cell: (403)607-9617     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Home: (403)289-8844

-----Original Message-----
From: max velocity [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 23, 2000 12:13 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Coyote idiots?

Now its time to hear the other side of the story. First of all, calling all of the fliers that were present derogatory names will NOT help your situation one bit.
1. The gliders were all parked in the landing area? Untrue. The place where I and the other fellow pilots had parked our planes was in an area that had small plant stick ups approx. 12"-18" high. That is the reason they are parked there. Any landing in that area is going to result in a LE grabbing wingover.     
2.The big rock you are refering to is right smack in the middle of rotor-land. And also less than 10 ft. from a picnic table! If you had to land in that area, you obviously were not in control of your ship. And you say WE were a safety hazard ?
3.It is a public park. People will come, some with not much common sense. If these people are in your way when ready to make a landing, just ask them politely to move so you can land. It always works for me whether they are a flier or spectator. I did not hear anything from you when you splatted your bird. BTW, do you have an AMA card? It will come in very handy the next time you are out of control and happen to hit some one.
4.Coyote hill is chock full of landing alternates AND flying sites. If everyone else was having a good time with no complaints, why didn't you just go to the other slope to the left? All you had to do was tell us your freq. so we would be able to tell any other newcomers. That's what we have always done before.
 5.Coyote Hills is a public park with no official club. We have been self policing for many years. Frequency control has consisted of asking around if there will be any conflict with the channel that one is flying on. As a matter of fact, that is the practice at ALL Bay area slopes. I have never had nor seen any mishaps. Sure they have occured, but it is extremely rare. This has usually caused by a newbie that doesn't have a clue what a freq. conflict is.
6.I like flying at Sierra Rd., Windy Hill, also. That is when the few times a year the winds are favorable (SW and Easterly). Face it, if these are the only places a person will fly at, you wont get much flying at all.
7. Lastly, I am disapointed with the replies that were sent to the original msg. You were able to form an opinion about a flying site and its regulars by listening to the sour grapes of only ONE flier. Many replies came from people who have not even been to ou slope. I fly at this slope 1-3 times weekly and have not had any horrible experiences. We often have a mix of combat battles, glass slippers, racers and F3J ships all in the air at the same time with no complaints. This goes on at other Bay area slopes, also. Just because this fellow with a beef had trouble handling his ship in 40+ mph winds and got bit by the turbulence (many people did, albeit they were foamies) maybe he should continue flying during the week when the crowds are less, especially if someone just talking to you as you fly gets you a bit unnerved. But you will be sharing the slope with me, 'cause I fly during the week, too!
Blue skies,

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