At 04:30 PM 4/20/00 , you wrote:
> >Would the standard Sirius charger work well for charging a 7 cell
> >650mah nimh or similar park flier size battery?  I gather it's
> >a question of sensitivity to the delta peak, and that my CG 325
> >is too big and too crude for this battery.
>Sirius Pro and Sirius 100 are not really
>delta-peak chargers.  They stop right at
>the peak, not past it.  I conclude this
>from watching the NiCd pack voltage after
>each current burp at the end of the charge.
>So the weak post-peak voltage drop of NiMH
>should not be an issue.  The Sirius chargers
>don't even look for the drop.

The Sirius charger that I have uses the Galaxy Power charger chip which was 
designed to do NiMH as well as NiCd.  It uses voltage slope termination and 
cuts off when the voltage slope (not the voltage) peaks.  Since voltage 
slope stops at about 80-90% of full capacity, the chip then goes into a 
times "top-off" mode.  The method is great for NiCd and NiMH that are uses 
at low current, like receivers and transmitters.

  Ralph Weaver     "Simplicity is a basic tenant
  Fishers, IN        of all good engineering"

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