Walter -

Is the question does altitude cause bad air, or does attitude cause bad hair, 
I forget?

I think I told you it was a little harder - air is thinner - plane has to fly 
faster to achieve equal lift (or something like that) so we make more 

We have killer hat sucking thermals at most if not all of our flying fields - 
however - the fatter air and slower flying speeds always makes us think it is 
easier to spec in say Sacotomatoes or Skysailia 8^)~

This would lead one to believe that we Renoites would all get our times and 
then some when we travel out of town. Let's just say that Sudwerks and The 
Cadillac Club often create situations where the pounding in our head 
overpowers the desire to fly (had to make some sort of excuse).

Thermals to all,

Bill Gillis
Reno, NV
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