I was recently flying HLG in Sedona Arizona.  As I recall the density
altitude was easily above 10,000 feet.  I noticed a few things.

First, my launches were noticeable higher.  I have a pretty good launch that
is completely natural (i.e.. requires no thought of technique), and very
consistent.  I would guess that my launches in Sedona were on average 10
feet higher than normal sea level launches.  The Encore just kept going and
going on the up line.  I was amazed.  These launches were to the moon.  (No
I was not channeling like all the granola flakes who commonly visit Sedona)

The second thing I noticed was that the approach to hand catch was
frustratingly difficult to get correct.  Again, I fly enough HLG that I
normally don't have to think about getting home for the hand catch.  In
Sedona, I was either too fast, requiring a wave-off, or I was short and
failed to make it home.  This drove me crazy.  I normally never miss the
hand catch.  It's hard on the glider to land it on rocks and parking lots
and stuff.  This was maddening.

The third thing I noticed was that the glider wasn't any harder to thermal.
The disadvantage of having to fly at higher ground speeds was off-set by the
fact that you were covering more ground with the glider zipping around at
that higher speed.  When lift was located, the glider thermalled just like

In conclusion, I like flying at high density altitudes (other than needing
to learn to catch all over) and would like to attend a contest up in the
mountains to see how others deal with the differences.

Timothy E. Cone
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Does Altitude cause bad air?

> Glenn R. Whitcomb asks:
> >...Does high altitude affect lift and the way gliders
> >fly?
> In addition to the increase in true airspeed caused by the lower air
> density, as discussed by Oliver Wilson, and the associated increase in
> rate and turning radius, there is also a decrease in Reynolds number. This
> usually reduces the max lift coefficient, and increases drag.
> The reduction in air density causes an increase in speed, but since lift
> proportional to the square of the velocity, that speed increase is
> inversely proportional to the SQUARE ROOT of the air density change.
> Meanwhile, since Reynolds number is LINEARLY proportional to density (and
> because air viscosity at our altitudes is approximately constant with
> altitude), the change in Reynolds number follows a linear function.
> Therefore, the increase in airspeed due to the thinner air at higher
> altitude cannot compensate completely for the loss of air density, and the
> Reynolds numbers go lower. This usually hurts performance over the entire
> operating envelope, althoiugh the exact extent of that loss depends on how
> well the design of the specific model in question handles the decrease in
> Reynolds numbers.
> Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech
> http://www.bright.net/~djwerks/
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