I saw this in rec.models.soaring and thought someone here might help.


My son (14) and myself started flying RC-planes (gliders/electro) a year and
a half ago.  This soon became nearly an obsession for me and my son follows
close behind.

He bought himself a second-hand F3B EAGLE some time ago. The seller was
Mattias Carlsson, a Swedish F3B/F3J national team member. As I understood
him, he had bought this plane from a member of the US national team some
years ago (or from someone else who had bought it from the US team).

We are interrested in the history of this plane if someone can fill us in...
the original markings and color is still on, we believe: it is white, has a
red canopy and rudder, red underside the wings, two-piece wing, all-flying
tail, Airtronics 94141 servos all over, small american flag on the vertical
stab, and last BUT NOT LEAST: on the right wing the number "348163", on the
left a big number "1".

Does anybody know who has flown this bird before? Has it been flown in any
championships? - and so on.

Tomorrow my son is going to fly it in his first F3B competition (my second),
the F3B Eagle flies beautifully and we are crossing our fingers...


Finn Krogvig
Hovseterveien 102B
N-0768 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 900 55 135 fax  +47 903 26 380

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