>What will be the best way to hookup and activate the tow release? The radio
>config is as follows:
> ch 1- throt-spoil  2- left ail  3- elev  4- rudd  
>  5- right ail-gear  6- left flap  7- right flap 8- batt

Are you sure about these channel settings?
"standard" settings:
  1-ailerons  2-elevator 3-throttle 4-rudder 5-gear 6-flaps

"futaba 8U" additional settings for full house setup:
  7-left aileron   1-right aileron
  5-right flap     6-left flap
  2-elevator or right ruddervator if vtail
  4-rudder or left ruddervator if vtail

It is common to use the throttle stick (channel 3) to deply flaps,
usually a switch toggles between a camber mode and full deflection
(butterfly/crow) mode. This is done via a mix, channel 3 is not
actually used in the glider.

It looks like channel 3 and 8 are the only "spare" channels.
You could program one or the other to be driven off a switch.
If you use channel 3, the throttle stick could be used
as a release switch, assuming you don't need to use camber
during launches.

>told to keep the speed up on this plane and that a hand launch
>probably won't be enough.

The KA6 is a bit too big and too heavy for a hand launch (at
least for most people). 

>I do have a holliday standard highstart that I will use as ROG

I'm assuming you plan to use a bridle harness to hi-start the
KA6 (not the tow release, it won't work with a hi-start).

Refer to hollyday's web site for tension values:


This "standard" hi-start "max" tension is 17 pounds, barely 3 times
the weight of the KA6, it will launch it, but unless you
have a lot of tubing, you won't get a lot of altitude from
it, normal launch tension is 4x to 6x weight of glider, depending
on strength of wings (contest gliders can use 20+x weight of glider).
You might want to consider the "heavy duty" tubing from hollyday,
it has 24 lbs "max" tension, which should be plenty. With the
heavy duty tubing, I'd recommend 60 pound test monofilament
fishing line, about 3.5 times the length of your tubing.

Since there's no way to confirm the trim until it's launched,
start off with partial pulls on the hi-start, until you feel
you can "trust" the trim settings.

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