In a message dated 00-06-09 15:12:56 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> What about high aspect ratio? Your latest design did not converge to a 
> Spectre
>  like planform - did Don S. make a mistake (unlikely) or did you use 
> different objectives/assumptions/etc?

While I can't comment on the aerodynamics or assumptions behind the
Shpectre, I did observe that it's performance in flight was nearly as good
as any other "latest & greatest" ship at the IHLGF.
However (a BIG however) the SpectreVR fails spectacularly in the practical
department.  Strength and durability are it's downfall in a contest.
Several failure modes manifested themselves under normal contest abuse.
Wing skin delamination around the aileron servos.
Wing seperation/breakage from aileron root diagonally forward.
Wing flex and flutter under full power launches, particularly in wind (even 
liberal stiffening with carbon cloth/epoxy at weak areas)
These comments based on two seperate planes and pilots with identical
problems and similar time in service, but also consider that this service
was in a very grueling contest (the Handlaunch World Champs!).
To DJ Aerotech's credit, the problems are easily fixable.

Mark Navarre

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