>>              From: Joe & Jan Wurts  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>              Somewhere around the beginning of the year, I set out to do
>>systems design, analysis, and optimization work on the...

>could you please elaborate a little more on your optimization approach?

Oleg, great questions.  These questions indicate that you at least
much of the challenges, if not also how to solve these problems.

In short, my analysis tools were: Excel, a vortex lattice code, and an
design and analysis tool that is highly regarded in the aero industry.

I used some custom Excel stuff that is formulated to help out in digesting
results from the vortex lattice and airfoil tools.  Not very difficult to
put together,
just the typical eqns, along with some macros and VB.  Not anything that is
terribly user friendly, but enough for me to do the job.

As you probably know, setting up the constraints, and the objective
functions is really the difficult task.  All else is just math.

As for the piece parts, the wing planform design is optimized considering
spanwise lift distribution to get good handling qualities, along with good
overall total lift and drag efficiency.  This is somewhat intuitive in
one has to look at the local lift coefficients along the span in order to
at the "handling qualities" part of it.  The rest of the stuff is more

In addition to the handling qualities, one needs to get a good e (Oswalds
efficiency) out of the planform, along with a high useful total lift
(total wing Cl/local Cl).  The latter is somewhat in opposition to the
qualities, but manageable.  Also, one should be taking into account the
varying local reynolds number along the span in formulating the total aero
characteristics of the wing (lift and drag).

Also included in the wing optimization process was the weight of the wing.
As a first order approximation, the wing weight is a function of the area
weight at minimum gage), volume (foam cores for vacuum bagging), along
with a second order influence due to total thickness (thin high aspect ratio
wings need more spar structure).  The spar structure is really not as much
of a driver for HLG as one would think, but should be included.

As for the tails, a simple trade on tail boom length vs. tail size was made,
with a simplistic boom length vs weight eqn, along with tail area vs tail
weight eqn.

Functional goals included optimizing the minimum sink, mid-range cruise
speed L/D, and very low Cl profile drag.  Defining a useful objective
here is not a trivial task, and will be left up to the reader.

Variables that were traded for the optimization include:
wing area
tail boom length
TE angle as applicable
TE length as applicable

Fixed values include:
Radio gear weight (2ch differing from 4 ch)
wing span
tail volumes
nose pod weight

Qualitative ratings include:
spanwise local lift distribution
cl - cd bucket width with TE deflections

Constraints include:
airfoil thickness (at servo and and TE)

The process is highly iterative in nature.  I started off with using an
type HLG to get me the scaled Re's along the wing.  After getting this, I
started whacking at the airfoil development.

After developing a few candidate airfoils for evaluation, the planform was
brought into consideration for a round of optimization.  With the
airfoil, I did a planform optimization using the developed airfoils.  In the
of the poly ship, I ended up doing another round of airfoil optimization, as
the optimal aspect ratio increased, driving down the wing area which
pushed for another bout of airfoil optimization.

This design/analysis/optimization loop is fairly straightforward for the
poly ship, but grew some hair for the 4 ch ship.  The additional variable of
TE deflections added considerably to the design cycle.  Also, it made for
more qualitative evaluations.  Airfoil 1 might produce a better peak
efficiency, but airfoil 2 might produce a wider "bucket".  Which is better?
And how wide should that bucket be to be considered optimal?

There is a reason why nobody is selling a program that has an optimal
airplane design button.  There are just too many qualitative judgments that
go into a realistically constrained design.

After the first few orbits around the design loop, I tossed in the tail boom
optimization as well, and went for another orbit.  The result, the toys that
I flew at Poway.  The poly ship did not get the tail boom iterated, and the
4 ch ship was a bit shorter compared to the optimal, but the min
sink sensitivity was really flat between the chosen length and the optimal
length.  Note:  optimal really should have quotes around it.  It was optimal
by my evaluations, objective functions, and constraints, but might not be
optimal by anothers evaluation.

Now, you ask my opinions on some of the "skinny" type platforms that are
showing up out there.  First, I'll make a note on the poly ship that I
I intentionally finished with about 15 - 20% more wing area than the
theoretical optimal solution, as the sensitivity was really flat, and I
to have a bit more "spare" Cl for manuever capabilities.  I lost about 1% in
the hang time in order to pay for this, something that I thought was a
trade.  It turns out that one can get almost the same overall result over a
large area range via trading airfoil for chord length (wing area).  So, just
what is best?  Dunno... just gave it my best shot.  The challenge with the
real high AR type solution on a poly, is that the airfoil has to compromise
more at the very low Cl (high speed) region.  As these toys were aimed at
the Poway type conditions, I chose not to go that route.  Also, I have a
high speed throw, so minimizing the drag for the throw condition is pretty
important to me, but might not be quite so valued for another.

For a high AR 4 ch wing, I'm quite worried about the aeroelastic and flutter
issues.  It is quite difficult to get sufficient torsional stiffness to
survive at
80 mph without flutter.  I have not seen a good solution here yet.
my numbers did not lead me to have to solve this one, as I got pointed to
a lower AR solution.

Now, to the very long tail booms.  I'm a fan of compromising somewhere in
the middle for the tail boom.  My optimizations show that going too long is
just as bad as too short.  But, I've tossed in a weight penalty for the
booms that is derived via the required total stiffness to preserve a similar
aeroelastic structure.  Some of the long tail boom configurations out there
are unsuitable for me in the wind due to aeroelastic issues.  They work very
well for many, but I think that I might be getting to too high of a throw
in the wind.  Also, the handling qualities get a little "different" for my
Due to the large damping from the long tail boom, one needs very high
control deflections compared to a shorter tail boom to get the same pitch
or yaw rate.  Might be a personal thing, but it does not feel right to me.

Now, for some things I noticed during the process.

For airfoils, in the low Re regime that HLGs play at, it is hard to get the
thickness and camber far enough forward.  I discarded some airfoils due to
a lack of construction capability.  In fact, the airfoil used on the 4 ch
was initially discarded as I did not think that it could be built
but Phil somehow made it happen.  I had designed up a series of different
airfoils that went from root to tip in order to fit the servo, get enough TE
thickness for control surfaces, and suitable spar thickness, but we did not
end up using them.

The 4 ch airfoil had the max thickness and camber even farther forward
than the poly airfoil.  I jokingly call it the "flat top" airfoil, as there
are only
small amounts of curvature in the aft 60% of the upper surface.  A little
bit of creative shaping near the hinge line can pay off as well, but steals
even more from the TE thickness.

Both airfoils had a far blunter LE than the 6063 does.  I did a little check
on my now old 6063 Encore, and it turns out the the LE on it was blunter
than it should be.  Maybe that is one reason that I really liked it, it was
already headed towards the right direction...

The wing planform also had a pretty low sensitivity to the "safety" value
rolloff of local cl vs. spanwise location).  The higher the safety value,
higher the tip Re, which pretty much paid for the reduced span efficiency
then some.  Where it lost was in the total lift capability before the wing
got out of the drag bucket.  There are lotsa trades that can be done here
using airfoils varying vs. span in order to tailor the airfoil cl - cd
bucket to
match the local requirements, but one tends to lose on the edgess of the
flight envelope.  My multi-airfoil 4 ch wing design is in this vein.

The bottom line, after all this typing:  The design/analysis/optimization
is highly dependent on your definition of your explicit and your unknown
constraints.  It is the unknown implicit ones that hamper your finding the
breakthrough in design.  It was a lot of fun and work to go through this
and it enabled me to understand and develop sufficient tool sets and
to attack the far more complex tasks of designing an F3B and F3J ship.  Stay
tuned for further details on these.

Joe Wurts

PS  All of the above opinions are mine, and are quite likely not applicable
many.  IMHO,The design process above resulted in high performance
thoroughbreds, and might not result in the optimal fun fly HLG.  That said,
are less extreme than the 6063 Encore (easier to fly, more forgiving, and
more performance).

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