I wouldn't trade the old attitude in, just realign the current one.

Simply figure that you'll finish the plane when you finish it.  If it ain't done in 
time for your trip, then so be it.  It'll be ready next time.  So take your favorite 
plane and enjoy the new site.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 23:08:54 -0700 Scobie Puchtler or Sarah Felstiner 

Anyone got a spare 'better attitude' they can send me, hopefully by email or
perhaps downloadable from a personal website?

Here's my current attitude:

Life has again placed obstacles in the way of getting a plane done in time
to travel.
I'm trying to be ok with it, the reasonable thing is to be ok with it,
there's so many reasons that it's perfectly fine,.... but it's driving me
I'm off to California tomorrow, and just an hour ago I did the math and
realized that aside from employing a level of obsession that would do
damage, there is no way I'm gonna finish my current plane in time to bring

Yes I chose to do all the things that kept me from putting enough time into
this plane in advance.
Yes, I even enjoyed many of those things.
Yes, I live in the richest country in the world, and my life is crammed full
of priveledge.
Yes, I will enjoy working on and eventually flying this plane when I get
Yes, it will be better not to rush it, and have a nicer plane when it's
Yes, this will allow me to concentrate more on family while I'm in Palo
Yes, I even have another plane I can bring. It flies fine. It flies great.

But it's not my NEW PLANE, dammit and none of the above is helping, I'm
still grumpy. I'm still agonizing over visions of those beautiful hills up
behind my in-laws' home in the early morning, the first sun stirring the low
lying puddles of cool night air into action, the red tailed hawks making
their first hunting survey of the day, the tall dry grasses giving away just
a few of the air's deep secrets as it comes to life under the emergent
radiance of a new day. So I'm trying to imagine NOT throwing my new glider
into the middle of this magical scene.... and having a hard time with that.

A better attitude, yeah. That's what I need.

Well, if you're still reading, thanks for humoring me. I do feel a little
better now :)

Scobie in Seattle

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