    I am quite familiar with most of the slow and parkfliers that Hobby Lobby 
has and one of the best for just fun flying is Sunny Boy. This is not an 
aerobatic model, but will loop and roll, it is a relaxing very well mannered 
model that has plenty of power and good duration. Has large enough tires that 
it will ROG off short grass. The wings come off so it transports and stores 
easily. The kit comes with the bits needed to have a tow release for towing 
HLG's up to altitude. If you are going to try this you will need to use a 4 
channel radio. 
    On your comment that most slowfliers and parkfliers seemed underpowered, 
you are right, they are! The size weight and drag of many of these models has 
pushed the envelope of the design to the limit, resulting in models that 
don't perform up to expectations when powered as originally recommended. Take 
heart! there is a solution and it is fairly painless. In quite a few of my 
parkflier class planes I have moved up in power to speed 300 motors with 4/1 
gearboxes. The prop selection depends on the plane, fairly slow draggy WWI 
planes like Sopwith Pup and Fokker D-VIII got the APC 9x3.8. The Stearman, a 
later design that flies faster got the APC 8x6 as did the Mad Max. All these 
planes fly with authority, can handle some wind and are just more fun than 
when underpowered. 
One note is that when you use a speed 300 you need to move up to a 10 amp 
speed control due to the current draw. 
    Good luck with your project whatever it is.

Mike Hines
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