In a message dated 7/24/00 4:21:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  However, I believe the advantage was about .5 knots
 better speed which at the roundings would translate into 5 to 15 second
 advantage per leg.  In sailing at that level, that is HUGE!  In America's
 cup races, if you win a race by 30 seconds, that is considered blowing them
 away.   >>

Well if it was such an advantage, why did it go to the 7th race of a 7 race 
series?  The winged keel was really only better on some points of sail.  The 
main advantage was that it allowed the boat to point higher, there by making 
better VMG to the mark.  It was a tradeoff, like many things in soaring.   It 
only gave a mild advantage, probably more mental than anything.

And BTW, the Judy XC kicks butt, you can keep your Answer anyday....

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