>Heck, it's just a hobby, and it'd better all be disposable income, and at
>our age, we can all afford to be a bit obsessive. :) 
>After all, you can't take it with you...
>                    --Bill
>On Fri, 22 Sep 2000 09:39:42 -0700 Bill Swingle
>Reality check.
>Am I to understand that all you guys spent $500 to $700. Just to make
>stickers? Granted they're very cool and snazzy, but $500? Seems a wee but
>pricey to me.

Like Bill says.........  an Alps printer is much less and you can make
much larger decals than a vinyl cutter and in MANY colors and the printer
can be used in other capcities...  Vinyl has noticeable thickness.....I
must be missing something..


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