I think that a backup stake would work.  The first stake lets go because it's being 
repeatedly pulled at.  I doubt that the backup would get pulled out if the primary 
stake lets go.

Either that, or a parachute, will be SOP at my glider field from now on.

Morris, Jim, you reading?


On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:59:23 -0800 Brett Jaffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would it be helpfull at all the have the main stake tied into another, backup stake by 
a slack line which is not continuously being stressed by launches?  I guess that could 
be potentially more dangerous if the first stake
could suddenly yank the second stake out of the ground when the first lets go, though.


Bill Harris wrote:

> The parachute on the nether end of the bungee/histart/winch sounds like a good 
>safety idea.  Doesn't someone who frequents this List offer large surplus parachutes 
>for sale?  That would be a good application of his goods.
> --Bill

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