If I understand gyros correctly I would like all the flyers to use them,
except me of course.

It should enable a TD plane to fly right through a thermal and due to
the gyro resisting change, give no indication of it at all.

Yes? No? Maybe?

J S. wrote:
> I am curious, do you mean in contests? This doesn't seem like it would be
> legal.
> Is there a rule about having a plane equipped with a gyro?
> To me it seems to take all the talent and challenge out of td flying.
> Any comments?
> >Subject: Re: [RCSE] Poly angle...Gyro's
> >Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 15:28:31 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >
> >Interesting article about Gyro's. Dose anyone use
> >Gyro's for there t/d planes? If so I would like to
> >know everything about you success or failure.
> >Dose it aid in landing, and coring thermals?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--- Blaine & Deborah Beron-Rawdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> > > In Soaring 2161, Dave Seay asked "Is there any
> > > science in determining the
> > > angle of the poly break and/or its location out from
> > > center?"
> > >
> > > Well, it may not be science, but there is some
> > > engineering involved!
> > >
> > > To summarize, the amount of dihedral (or polyhedral)
> > > that a rudder and
> > > elevator (no ailerons) sailplane has is a major
> > > factor in its roll
> > > responsiveness and maximum roll rate, and strongly
> > > influences spiral
> > > stability.  More dihedral increases roll
> > > responsiveness, roll rate and
> > > spiral stability.  Airplanes with more dihedral also
> > > require larger vertical
> > > stabilizers.
> > >
> > > The exact arrangement of the dihedral, whether it is
> > > two-panel dihedral or a
> > > six-panel polyhedral for instance, is less important
> > > than the effective
> > > amount of dihedral that the arrangement provides.
> > > The effective dihedral of
> > > any arrangement can be estimated and is commonly
> > > referred to as "equivalent
> > > dihedral angle" (EDA).  For what it is worth, I
> > > recommend at least 12
> > > degrees of EDA for most rudder and elevator
> > > sailplanes.
> > >
> > > The arrangement of the panels is a compromise
> > > between efficiency while
> > > thermalling, efficiency in a rolling maneuver, and
> > > stall characteristics
> > > while thermalling.  In short, arrangements that
> > > resemble a parabolic
> > > dihedral distribution provide a smooth and efficient
> > > lift distribution
> > > across the span while thermalling, and avoid large
> > > variations in lift
> > > coefficient across the span in a steady-state roll
> > > maneuver.  This is good.
> > > Arrangements that have at lot of dihedral
> > > concentrated in the outer panels
> > > will tend to tip stall prematurely while
> > > thermalling.
> > >
> > > Equivalent dihedral angle is explained at:
> > >
> > > http://www.rc-soar.com/tech/spiral_eda.htm
> > >
> > > Envision Design sells software called "Plane
> > > Geometry" that enables easy
> > > experimentation with dihedral arrangements.  Check
> > > out:
> > >
> > >
> >http://members.home.net/evdesign/pages/plane_geometry.html
> > >
> > > That's all for now.
> > >
> > > Blaine Beron-Rawdon
> > > Envision Design
> > > San Pedro, California
> > > http://members.home.net/evdesign/
> > >
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