I'm shortly to commence building (Assembling?) a Multiplex Alpina 
4001, my first 4m ship. I have the uncovered version which has an 
option for double-blade airbrakes. The aircraft also has crow brkaing 
avalible via flap/aileron of course.

I've only read one flight review of the Alpina, and this was of one 
without the brakes. The crow braking was described as pretty 
effective. I'm wondring if the effort of fitting the brakes is 
worthwhile. I've bought them, but they'll always keep for another 
project. I'm thinking of glassing the wing, and not having the brakes 
in would make this somewhat easier.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's flown the alpina in eithr 
configuration. Is the crow braking effective? Or do the balde 
airbrakes lend a significant improvement in terms of approach control?

Karl Cassidy.

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