Having finally come up with the funds to purchase a radio (Hitec Focus 3 AM w/ 
HS-300's), I have some (quite a few) questions concerning the assembly of the Jok'air.

a) Which side do the servo arms face, and what functions (rudder, elevator) are 
assigned to each servo?
b) What kind of servo force transfer mechanism should I use? (arm, disk, cross)
c) The articulation cuts on the EPP rudder/elevator; are they made on the top of the 
elevator, and the right side of the rudder, or opposite?
d) The arms attached to the control surfaces; are they attached on the top/bottom of 
the elevator, and the rudder arms; are they attached on right/left side of the rudder?
e) The rubber bands; should they be doubled back, or should one "end" of the rubber 
band be doubled through the loop of the other end?
f) On a related note, the wing rods; should they be bent a good bit, or is there 
supposed to be a bit of a gap between the rods and the leading edge?
g) A high start hook; where and how should I attach this? 

Lastly, how the heck does this thing break down for travel? The webpage on NSP says 
"You can assemble and disassemble the Jok'air in 30 seconds!" I'm not altogether sure 
how to do this... It takes me at least a minute to get the fiberglass (carbon fiber?) 
wing rods into place..

Sorry about all the rather juvenile questions; I'm a complete newbie working with an 
iffy translation for an unconventional plane.

Thanks in advance,

Warren   |   KC0HAK

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